Holden is a really weird teenager. He likes to do things his own way, he is a rebel. I am pretty sure he has a longer list of people he hates than the people he loves. So far in the book he has mentioned at least two dozens characters, and he hates one dozen, one half of the other dozen are people that are indifferent to him and tho other half is his family so he sort of loves them. He is really wise and intelligent, although the fact that he flunk almost every class makes us think otherwise. He is a deep thinker and focuses on special characteristics about people, he does’t like phony people and tries to avoid that kind of people. He changes his mind pretty quickly, actually surprisingly quickly, that is why I think he is sort of impulsive and doesn’t always think what he does before he does it.

I think he is a sad person and he feels lonely, we could see that specially when he talks about his brother Allie and when he is at the hotel. The problem is he is such a complex teen who is hard to be understood. I’m sure most teenagers are that way, making everything in their heads a bigger deal than it need to be, thinking how miserable and alone we are that we don’t see the options and solutions there are, but that is just another phase. Pessimism, I would say that is the word that best describes his way of thinking, but in the bottom he has a big heart and a bright mind and he hasn’t had the chance to show it because of his stupid actions.